Capability Workshops
Capability Workshops
Social Wealth offers workshops that are registered with the Management Capability Development Fund
Small businesses may qualify for funding to help pay for services such as training workshops, courses and coaching that build the management capabilities of their owners and key managers.
Management Capability Development funding is only available through the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP) Growth Advisors and can be used with service providers registered with the RBP Network.
Funding may be provided to a business where the Growth Advisors have identified a need for management training as part of an action plan to support the business owner to grow and innovate their business. Business owners are then able to select a registered service from a registered Service Provider.
Social Wealth's Capability Workshops are registered with the Management Capability Development Fund. For more information on the Management Capability Development Fund or to find your local Growth Advisor go to
Social Wealth Capability workshops that are registered with the
Management Capability Development Fund
Every business benefits from a business plan, it helps the business owner and managers to set clear goals and guidelines for how the business will run and succeed in its unique environment. This is especially important at the start-up stage and with a small team.
This workshop is designed for business owners and senior managers of a social enterprise at a start-up stage, or healthcare practitioners wanting to grow their Private Practice.
By the end of the program, participants will:
- Have a clear plan of where they are going with their business and the path ahead.
- Have the knowledge to build a business that best suits their lifestyle and the market environment
- Understand their current business skills and identify any gaps
- Have the ability to spot opportunities that can help them reach their end goal
- Have the ability to use their resources wisely
There has been a lot more need to manage mental health risks in the organisation since the pandemic. Business owners and senior managers often seek support around how to develop mental health risks management procedures for events like threatening customers and stress and anxiety from staff.
This workshop is designed for business owners and senior managers that might need support on how to manage distressed and angry customers, and support staff that are feeling overwhelmed.
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Have the ability to identify mental health risks for staff and customers
- Gain knowledge of what to do when there is a mental health risk presented within the organisation or from a customer
- Gain knowledge of other support services available for referrals
- Have the ability to design a mental health risk management process tailored to their organisation
- Have the ability to train others in the organisation on managing mental health risk.
The health and wellbeing of staff and business owners are vital to the success of a business. It creates a company culture that is positive and productive, which is beneficial all around. After the pandemic, businesses with a positive work environment is essential for the productivity and enthusiasm of the workplace.
This workshop is designed for business owners and senior managers that wants to create a healthy and positive workplace culture.
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Have the ability to recognise early warning signs of unwellness
- Have the knowledge of how to help others and support them
- Understand what boundaries are in the workplace
- Have the knowledge where to signpost for professional support
- Have the knowledge and ability to look after the self